Audio System by Kasey Russell

This week, I focused on implementing a dynamic audio system in Unreal. I started by setting up a basic sound manager using a custom master sound class, allowing for efficient handling of music, sound effects, and dialog audio. This system works by populating three child classes for audio from the master sound class to work independently of each other and simultaneously through master.  I created a flexible setup that lets sounds trigger based on in-game events. I also implemented volume control and audio ducking to balance different layers of sound dynamically.

One problem that i ran into while setting up the audio system was making the classes. when i would go to test the audio unreal would crash because the classes i made were null. I had the classes setup in c++ but i never made the classes in blueprint. once that was done the next thing i had to do was make the audio mix classes so that the audio can be heard when the sound plays. when i finished testing the last problem i ran into was testing it on other devices. when my team would grab the work on their workspace we ran into bugs where the audio would not play. i have yet to figure it out but i plan to in the future.

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