Audio Fix and Dialog System by Kasey Russell

this week i fix a little bug that we had with the audio where it sometimes would play sound and sometimes it wouldn't. I tweaked the volume multiplier in the volume mixer for each audio class. After fixing the audio i went through the game and added background music to each level and sound effects to different actions in the game. My focus for this build was getting dialog setup for our game. I was struggling on how to approach the problem as the main gameplay was going to be click based movement. the player would need to be able to interact with the npcs at a given time to have the dialog pop up. there would also be a hub area where the player would have free movement to interact with npcs. so i began with making a third person controller to setup movement rotation and interaction. 

next i made a basic npc that would have a sphere collider and a dialog component so that the player can interact with the npc through dialog. once that was done i stared testing the interact key. it would get all over lapping actors and check for the dialog component. i was having problems getting the dialog so i would print out debugging messages to check the logic in my if checks. once i found out that the dialog component was not being added the the npc properly it was able to get the component from the npc. i tested the functionality to get the dialog lines  the npc had and display them. once that was working i made a widget to give the player a proper dialog box.

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